move me singing

We have created a special meeting:

  • Between two arts: singing and dancing.
  • Between body and soul.
  • Between different languages, cultures, and lands.


"Move me Singing" will take place from April 25th to 27th, 2025, at the artist residency "Stone Oven House" in Piemont, Italy.


What we will explore together:

  • A greater capacity to feel, explore, and express yourself.
  • A relationship of alliance between the different parts of yourself, achieving greater integrity.
  • The ability to deeply attune to the other, to intuit, sing, and dance their unique melody.


The workshop will be led by Natasha Pirogova, dancer, and Gabriela Tanner, singer, in two languages: English and Italian.




We start: Friday, 25th of April 2025 at 1 pm 

We end: Sunday, 27th at 12 am


You are welcome to come earlier or stay longer in this lovely place!


Cost: Full 3-day package: 440 euros

Pick up from Turino possible!




Stone Oven House

Via Maestra, 4a, 10060 Rorà TO, Italien

Telefon: +39 340 561 1840

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